Have you ever walked alone on the streets, when it was way past your bedtime, and you got the feeling someone was following you? Have you ever walked on the streets of a new city as a tourist, fearing someone would steal your purse?
Have you ever wondered about that suspicious person standing close to you- is he “going to try and get my wallet/ my phone…”?
We all had those fears, and we all know we cannot control who is out there and what is going to happen to us. However, we can control what we know!
Today you are going to learn some easy tricks and tips on how to defend yourself against a purse attack or purse theft!
With just a few easy steps you can acquire a new skill, become more confident, and reduce your fear. Every woman should know this skill, so please share this with your sister, your mother, grandmother and your friends!
First of all, having this fear to begin with is a good sign, it means you are aware of your surroundings. This is the first step in our self defense technique. Knowing where you stand, who is around you, where you are heading to, and which direction you should/ should not go is essential in preventing such threats.
However, should you be in a position where you need to defend yourself against an attacker trying to steal your purse. This is what you should do!
Check out the video below:
ALSO, did you know? You have many items in your purse you can use to defend yourself on the streets! You do not have to be a body builder or train for years to be “Street Smart” and defend yourself today.
For example, if you have deodorant spray, keys, pen, a water bottle, or an umbrella to name a few items. You can use each of those items to protect yourself on the streets.
Stay tuned to learn how. A new blog and video coming soon.